
We have an inclusive culture and welcome people from all backgrounds. Our staff are treated as a team of individuals working together to achieve excellence. We all pride ourselves in the work that we deliver and always aim to exceed our own expectations.

Here’s what Amit Meghani, one of our long-standing engineers has to say: “Cosworth is a very family-orientated environment. We’re not a large business with thousands upon thousands of us working on the same project day in and day out, in that rinse-and-repeat style environment. No two days are ever the same here. There’s a smaller number of us doing a wider range of work, and there’s a lot of overlap with other people – I’ve never had a Sunday night where I’m dreading Monday morning, and for me, it’s a really important sign that I’m in the right place with the right people.”

Joining us means connecting to a culture that puts teamwork at the heart of excellence. If you would like to be part of the Cosworth family, please apply via the form below.
